1. What is, simply put, ELOT?
ELOT is the National Standardization Body of Greece, authorized by the state to issue standardization documents, such as Greek standards and specifications. This authorization stems both from its founding law 372/76 and by the notification of ELOT by the Public Authorities to the European Commission under Regulation (EU) 1025/2012.
2. What is “national standardization”?
It is the set of processes and activities established by a national standardization body of a country (such as ELOT for Greece) in order to prepare national standardization documents.
3. What is a “standardization document”?
A document providing rules, guidances, or characteristics for activities or their results.
4. How many standardization documents exist?
Standardization documents may be standards, technical specifications, guides, technical reports or other less frequently used, as further specified in the European Standard ELOT EN 45020.
5. What is a “standard”?
Standard is a standardization document established by consensus and approved by a recognized body in an application domain. Standards are of voluntary application unless regulations make their implementation mandatory. Example: The national standard (e.g. ELOT standard) has been developed by consensus of all concerned-nationwide-and has been approved by recognized national standards body (e.g. ELOT).
6. What benefits does standardization bring to businesses?
The development of standards according to “effective formulas” ensures easy penetration and widespread acceptance of products in the market.
7. What benefits does standardization bring to customers?
Standardization guarantees the establishment of quality that is fitness-for- purpose for of goods and services, i.e. meeting the needs and expectations of consumers while respecting the requirements for the safety and health of workers and consumers and the environment during production and operation of the product and/or service.
8. Who pays for standardization?
Until recently, standardization was largely financed by the state. Gradually standardization financing is being undertaken by the parties that derive benefits from standardization result, such as industry/professional associations, consumers, academic and research institutions, certification bodies or testing laboratories.
9. Who can participate in ELOT standardization activities?
Participation in standardization activities of ELOT are open to all interested parties in Greece and, upon request, in other countries, as well.
10. How and where can I find out the standards available by ELOT?
Bu using the search engine in the “e-shop button” on the website of ELOT. Search criteria can be the number of standard identification code (please omit any letters and the part of the standard, i.e. only the main number reflecting the series), the thematic code or ICS (International Classification System) code for the standards of the subject field of interest, title or keywords, the date of issue or the responsible technical committee of ELOT
11. Where can I buy national, European or international standards?
ELOT sells Greek standards, as well as European and international standards, i.e. the standards developed by CEN, CENELEC, ISO and IEC. Also, as a representative of other standardization bodies, ELOT can provide interested parties with standards from ASTM, AWWA, BSI, DIN, IEEE etc.
12. To which European and international bodies does ELOT participate in?
ELOT is a full member and actively participates in the administrative and technical activities of all European and international standardization bodies, namely:
• European Committee for Standardization - CEN
• European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization - CENELEC
• International Organization for Standardization -ISO
• International Electrotechnical Commission - IEC
13. What is the difference between a national and a European or international standard?
The national standards are applicable in the limits of the territory of a State applicable to products and services that circulate within one country. European standards are implemented by the national standardization bodies of CEN/CENELEC member countries, who at the same time are obliged to withdraw any conflicting national standards. European standards and compliance therewith constitute a “passport" for the free movement of goods in EU member countries. The International Standards developed by ISO/IEC are internationally accepted standards. The Greek standards are mostly adoptions of European standards. Furthermore, European standards are increasingly aligned with International ones.
14. What do ELOT, ELOT TS, ELOT EN, ELOT EN ISO mean?
ELOT standardization documents are classified according to a prefix and a unique identification number. The prefix may be:
• ΕLΟΤ, meaning that the standardization document is a national standard.
• ΕLΟΤ TS, meaning that it is a national specification.
• ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ, meaning that it is a national standard implementing a corresponding European (EN).
• ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ ISO meaning it is a national standard adopted from the European standard (EN) and which includes the full text of an international standard (ISO).
The prefix is always followed by an identification number given by the originating body of the standard (e.g. ΕLΟΤ, CEN, CENELEC or ISO).
15. What is a “harmonized standard”?
A harmonized standard is a European standard issued by the European standardization bodies CEN/CENELEC to support “essential safety requirements” of EU Directives or Regulations after a mandate of the European Commission and the reference of which is published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Harmonized standards provide a “presumption of conformity” to the legal requirements are, therefore, in a sense, of mandatory acceptance within Europe.
16. Is the use of European standards mandatory?
European standards are required to be implemented by the national standardization bodies of the EU member states as national standards. Their application is voluntary unless a national or European legislation makes them mandatory.
17. Can I buy ELOT standards electronically?
Standards of ELOT are available electronically from the services of ELOT. Please send a request to the email address: sales[at]elot.gr
18. Can I copy or reprint standards;
All standards and normative documents of ELOT and other standardization bodies are protected by intellectual property rights (copyright). Therefore, the reproduction of part or all of the normative texts, without the written permission of the relevant standardization body is prohibited.
19. The content of a specific standard is always the same or can be changed?
Standards are modern rules based on the achievements of science, technology and experience. For this reason, they are regularly revised to fit developments at every time.
20. Does ELOT have standards for everything?
ELOT has standards for activities, products, services, resources, physical or cognitive, equipment, personnel, testing methods, management systems and, in general, for repetitive activities and products of shared use and interest.
21. How does ELOT decide which standards to prepare?
The senior management of ELOT decides for the preparation of a national standardization document, after having taken into consideration the market and national economy needs, as well as the governmental and consumer interests.
22. Who prepares the standards?
The standards are developed by all those with an interest in the creation and adoption, i.e. representatives of consumers, industry, government and educational institutions.
23. Why are standards sold and not offered free of charge?
Standards are intellectual works that have authenticity and originality and, therefore, they are protected by copyright. Exploitation of intellectual property rights is the main source of standardization bodies and a cornerstone of the sustainability of the standardization system at national, European and international level. The beneficiaries/users finance the production, maintenance and continuous updating of standards.
24. Are ELOT standards mandatory ?
All standards are of voluntary use except if national legislation or other regulations imposes their application.