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Participation in European and international Standardization

The following Standardization bodies perform standardization activities in Europe and worldwide:

• European Committee for Standardization -CEN
• European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization–CENELEC 
• European Telecommunications Standards Institute- ETSI
• International Organization for Standardization-ISO
• International Electrotechnical Commission- IEC 

The Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT) is a full member of all the above mentioned bodies and participates actively in administrative and technical activities of those bodies.

The following representatives support NQIS/ELOT’s membership and participation to these Organizations:

At the Technical Board of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN/BT), NQIS/ELOT is represented by Dr. Fragoulis D. Krokos, Director of Standardization (fdk [at] elot [dot] gr).

The appointed representatives at the Technical Board of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC/BT) are Ms Christina Kapranou, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Electrotechnical Standardization Division (ckapranou [at] elot [dot] gr) and Mr. Dimitris Iatrou executive of the Electrotechnical Standardization Division (dki[at] elot [dot] gr).

Representative at European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) is Mr. Alexandros Psyrris executive of the Electrotechnical Standardization Division (apsyrris [at] elot [dot] gr).

NQIS/ELOT holds the Secretariat of the European Technical Committee CEN/TC 312 ‘Thermal solar systems and components’ (https://standards.cen.eu/dyn/www/f?p=204:7:0::::FSP_ORG_ID:6293&cs=1CB5AD0147625BD23EEC854EC3D26ABB6).

The procedure for the preparation of European and international standards (at least in English) follows specific rules. If a decision is taken to prepare a normative document, a Technical Committee (TC) is appointed for this work. Both at European (CEN, CENELEC) and international (ISO, IEC) level, the standardization work is appointed to relevant TCs. The participants in those TCs are representatives of the national standardization bodies. The Greek delegates are ELOT representatives.

The list of the European and international TCs can be seen in the following websites:





The standardization procedures include drafting of the standard by the TC, public enquiry for a certain period, in order to receive comments on the publicly available draft. Comments are reviewed by the TC and the final draft standard is submitted to formal vote. During this step all member bodies (such as ELOT) of the European and international bodies have to express if they approve or not the final draft to be issued as standard or other normative document. 
The adoption of international standards as national ones is voluntary but the adoption of European standards as national ones is mandatory for the national standardization bodies, in a defined time period.

Note that both in European and international level, standards and standardization documents may be amended, improved or withdrawn, according to relevant standardization rules.