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In-House Training Seminars

ELOT provides to companies, organizations, institutions, etc. specialized seminars on standardization, certification/inspections, laboratory testing, quality and other related subjects, which are aimed at providing efficient and reliable training of executives and employees.

In-house training seminars can take place either at the ELOT facilities (Athens and Thessaloniki), or at the premises of companies, organizations, institutions, etc., at a time convenient to them.

The subjects of In-House Seminars can be selected either among the fields of the ELOT Open Seminars (In-house Training Seminars on Demand) or they can be defined by the interesting parties, so that the ELOT designs and implements this Seminar based on specified requirements (Tailor- made In- House Training Seminars).

The long experience of ELOT in training and the high academic and professional level of the registered trainers used guarantee the excellent quality of service and attainment of the desired learning objectives.