All national standards and standardization documents are prepared by technical standardization bodies of ELOT which are Sectoral Committees (SC), Technical Committees (TC), Working Groups (WG) and Specific Working Groups (SWG). The operation rules for those Committees in described in the document “Rules for the establishment and operation of ELOT technical standardization bodies”.
More than 1100 scientists participate actively in the ELOT standardization processes, either as delegates from the public or private sector or as experts.
For the preparation, public enquiry, approval and issue of national standards and standardization documents, ELOT has established and follows the document “Rules for the preparation and issue of Greek standards and Specifications”
Each interested party, a person or a legal entity of public or private sector, may request to ELOT the preparation of a national standardization document. The request is reviewed, taking into consideration the relevant existing standards.
In case the technical field of the request is relevant to an existing TC or WG, the specific TC or WG is requested to comment on it. If not, then an investigation is performed between the interested parties in the market. All comments and proposals based on the request in question are assessed and reviewed by ELOT staff, in order to decide if there will be further actions to proceed to the preparation of a new standardization document. The decision is made, taking into consideration also the national standardization policy, as well as the financial resources needed for the standardization process, including sources of financing of the specific project.
If ELOT decides the preparation of a standardization document a relevant notification to EC is made, according to Directive 98/34/EEC. The draft national standardization document is prepared by a SC or TC, according to the relevant ELOT rules. If an SC or TC does not exist, then ELOT creates one, according to ELOT relevant Rules.
ELOT is responsible for:
• designing,
• drawing the project plan for the preparation of the standardization document
• classification of the new standardization document
When the 1st draft is prepared, a public enquiry is made, for a certain time period. All comments are reviewed and assessed by the relevant SC or TC. After this assessment the SC or TC submits the final draft of the standardization document to ELOT. Prior issuing formally the new document, the following have to be verified:
a) compatibility to the national standardization rules
b) review of any deviations from national or European/international legislation
c) observance of the process of development of standards/specification
d) consideration of all comments submitted to ELOT during enquiry stage
e) withdrawal of all conflicting standardization documents
Standards classification
The classification of ELOT standards consists of a unique identification number assigned by the Standardization Division with the prefix ΕΛΟΤ (ELOT) for standards and ΠΡΔ (PRD) for specifications.